Saturday, 10 January 2009

Another Question From The Seminar Secrets Survey

One of my members asks, 'How can I sell more effectively from the back of the room?'

Firstly, in case you don't know what we mean by 'back of the room' sales, we're talking about the products on sale at a seminar event, usually at a special 'today only' price. They're almost always literally at the back of the room.

Healthy sales depend on a few factors, among which are:

1. The speakers having a suitable product to promote on the day that's relevant to the audience (or the audience being sufficiently targeted to be likely to want that product) .

2. The ability of the speakers to offer an excellent 'today only' deal.

3. How convincing the speakers are, both in the information they give and their ability to sell.

4. The audience being in a positive, upbeat mood generally.

5. The audience members trusting you and your payment process.

6. Enough of the audience having the money to spend or being offered terms they can afford.

7. Having a convenient and well-organised buying process, so everyone who wants to buy can do so quickly.

8. Offering brilliant, no quibble guarantees.

9. The speakers being available to talk with undecided buyers and explain their offer, maybe offer special terms, etc.

10. Offering good value in the presentations, suggesting (rightly) that there's a lot more to tell, if only we had the time, and offering the products (information products, courses, coaching, etc) as a solution to getting that information, help, encouragement, etc, across.

Briefly, get the best speakers you can (or do the best presentation you can), with the best and most relevant products. Give your delegates a great event by entertaining, educating and encouraging them to take action - starting with this investment in themselves.

You'll notice, especially when you've been to a few events yourself, how often the speakers will congratulate you on taking action (by being there), choosing to be among the four or five percent who've opted to succeed, and so on. The implication is that to stay among those top few percent you need to keep taking action by investing in your education, by equiping yourself and your business for the future and by 'teaming up' with them and their evident success.

And all that needs to be true. Then you can have what Niche Seminar Secrets promises you: real wealth with a totally clear conscience.


PS. You can still take the one-dollar trial of Niche Seminar Secrets, when you click here.

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