Monday 8 December 2008

Niche Seminar Secrets Survey Answers

The first survey results are starting to come through now from Niche Seminar Secrets members and I have to say they are quite revealing...

Over 85% of those who have responded so far have already spoken at or organised an event, while 71% are planning to either speak at or run an event in the next 6-12 months.

So we already have an amazing information resource right there, among NSS readers. Which sets me thinking...

Meanwhile, other seminar secrets members have asked some interesting questions, such as 'How do I promote a seminar event in a new country where I have few contacts?' From the same enquirer (I assume) is the question of how to promote an English speaking event in a non-English speaking territory.

Most of the questions you've asked are answered in full in Niche Seminar Secrets, but not those two...

And it's an interesting problem, I must admit. My first instinct about promoting any event is to build a list first, if at all possible. In this case, a list specifically from that region. Otherwise, rent or JV a list from someone who is already operating in that area. Do you have access to English-speaking property dealers or service providers for that area, for example?

I think you must think of the English speaking community as a sub-niche within your niche, whatever your niche is. But I'd promote it only in English, for a start. Of course, it doesn't have to be just expats - many people are multi-lingual - but you must pre-qualify your audience so language is not a barrier on the day.

So your list will comprise fluent English speakers in the niche you operate in, able to reach the country where your event will be held. Remember, some people will travel a long way to get to a special event in a lovely setting... But be realistic about the true size of your target market and your chances of capturing enough of them. See how easy or difficult it is to build that list - that will give you a good clue.

I'd be intrigued to know the circumstances that brought up the question, though! If you'd like to tell us more, we can probably offer some more specific advice. Use the comment section at the end of this post.

I'll be responding to some more questions and survey responses in the coming days. Questions like 'How do I get started with little or no cash to invest?' and 'How do I overcome nerves?'

Meanwhile, please add your comments, experiences and ideas here for us all to share - especially if you're one of the 85% with experience already.

Here's to your Seminar Secrets success!


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