Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Identifying a Profitable Niche

One of the questions that came up in the Niche Seminar Secrets Survey was, 'How do I choose a niche?'

To answer that, you need to ask yourself what it is you really need to know. Then, the answer becomes obvious:

You need to know what people are currently interested in, and especially what they're currently spending money on. It's quite easy to get a broad idea, but you will need to narrow it further. Remember that a broad niche may give you a bigger potential audience but to capture an enthusiastic, hungry crowd you need a smaller, more focused niche who will be keen to find out anything they can about their favourite topic.

Here's a simple three-step process to help you find your broad subject area and then identify your more tightly focused niche:

1. Remembering that seminars are information products, we can look elsewhere to see what subjects people are currently buying information about. So our first stop should be Amazon, the world's largest online bookstore, to study their list of current bestsellers. This gives you a very good idea of what's hot, topic-wise.

2. Visit your local magazine retailer and see which topics have the most magazines devoted to them. Also, watch to see which ones seem to sell best - you'll need to linger for a while - and browse through a few. Magazines that carry lots of advertising are probably doing well, since most (though not all) advertisers are quite careful not to waste their advertising budgets in magazines no one reads. The more successful magazines will be the ones that hit a particular niche most effectively, with content that suits the current tastes and interests of their readers. Make a list of the contents of these successful magazines. Now you're beginning to home in on your target.

3. Finally, visit online forums dedicated to the niche or niches you've identified. Now you're not just looking for the niche topic and its enthusiasts; you're actually going to find out exactly what they want to know. By spending time following discussions, contributing comments and questions of your own and identifying people's most pressing questions and problems, you will have found your niche and also have a very precise idea of exactly what questions to cover in your seminar. By contributing freely - you can research the answers elsewhere - you will also have begun to establish yourself as an authority in that area and developed a following - your first potential delegates!

You'll find more information and ideas about identifying a niche and its enthusiasts in Niche Seminar Secrets, including how to use other people's events to launch your own. And the one-dollar trial of Niche Seminar Secrets is still available, right here on this blog.

For just one dollar, you can secure a 30-day trial of Niche Seminar Secrets, with a further discount available at the end of the 30 days. Just choose the payment option you prefer when you order your one-dollar trial.

Here's to a prosperous 2009. Yes, it is still possible!


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Friday, 26 December 2008

Now Try Niche Seminar Secrets

It looks like we had a few coding problems with the PayPal buttons for the one dollar trial of Niche Seminar Secrets.

These are now fixed, and you can access the one dollar trial, with its two payment options, here: Niche Seminar Secrets One Dollar Trial.

You get 30 days to decide for just a single dollar, then the option to save a further 20 dollars before I ship you the physical product in a month's time.

Go to One Dollar Trial With a Difference to get yours while the offer lasts.


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Monday, 22 December 2008

It Must Be The Time of Year

...because I've decided to keep the one-dollar trial of Niche Seminar Secrets available for a little longer.

Which means you'll be able to download the full system for just one dollar and take the next twenty-nine days deciding if it's right for you. After thirty days I'll send you the full-colour hard copy, and I'll even offer you a further $20 discount on top.

I'll also send you an extra bonus or two with your manual. I'm not revealing exactly what just yet, but rest assured you'll be pleased you said 'yes'!

Go here to take the one dollar trial of Niche Seminar Secrets.

Try it and see.


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Friday, 12 December 2008

More Niche Seminar Questions Answered

Hello again

It's time to answer another of your questions from the Niche Seminar Secrets survey.

'How do I get started with very little cash? Things like hotels costs, speaker fees, food and refreshments, etc.'

Getting started in any business does take a bit of cash, but the seminar business offers ways to limit your liability to an absolute minimum.

Firstly, make your marketing extremely cost-effective. It's likely you have more time than money right now, so take the time to build a list. Even that may not take very long, depending on the niche you're aiming at, and I've written a brief report on a very easy way I discovered to build a list of several hundred names in a couple of weeks. Use your speakers lists and offer an affiliate program so other people are selling for you.

I'll be talking about choosing the best, most responsive niches next time.

Once you know you have a demand - bearing in mind that response to a mailing will usually be lower than for a digital or physical product - you will have an idea of the size of venue you need and you can begin to negotiate with venue owners for the best deal. Compare room rate with 'delegate day rate' for the anticipated numbers and don't commit too early. Have several alternative venues lined up and play them off against each other to negotiate the best rate possible, but be reasonable or you might find they don't want to deal with you again!

For a low-cost event, don't supply food and drink. Even big-budget organisers will often save costs here, and sometimes charge just enough on tickets to pay for the venue. Their profits come from products and continuing sales to the list, of course.

Using the Niche Seminar Secrets model, you shouldn't have to pay your speakers anything. In fact, they make you (and themselves) money by appearing.

Commit to as little as possible up front, keep your venue and room size options open and even use the strategy I've outlined in the bonus chapter of Niche Seminar Secrets, as well as following the rest of the tried and tested Niche Seminar Secrets system, and you should be fine.

Take the One Dollar Trial of Niche Seminar Secrets

Now you can get your hands on the complete Niche Seminar Secrets system for just one dollar there's really no reason to risk trial and error. Doesn't a one dollar trial sound like a much better idea? Go here for your one dollar, thirty-day trial.

To your success!


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Thursday, 11 December 2008

The One Dollar Trial With a Difference

This is not the only one dollar trial offer you'll see, but I think it might be the best one you'll see for a while. One hundred people took up my free trial offer, and more tried, but this deal is even better. Read on to see how...

Because I'll be taking all the risk (not counting the one dollar...), you can afford to take me up on it, safe in the knowledge that you're, well, safe.

And because I'm being sensible about it, I can afford to be even more generous than I was planning to be. So it's a real win-win. You get a 30-day trial, almost as good as free, and I don't have to deal with a hundred returns 29 days from now!

I recently had an interesting experience with a one dollar trial, but that's for another day. Suffice it to say you will benefit from the lesson I learned. Basically, I won't send you the printed edition until one month's time, when I know you really want it.
But you still get the digital download version of the full Niche Seminar Secrets manual, for one dollar today.

Here are your two options:

Option 1. The complete Niche Seminar Secrets (not the Limited Edition I gave away) will be yours today for one dollar, as a digital download. One month from now I'll send you the full-colour printed edition for a further two monthly payments of forty-eight dollars. ($1 + $48 + $48 = $97). Meaning, you get the full manual, printed in full colour, for the current price of the digital download version.

Option 2. I'll still send you the complete digital Niche Seminar Secrets for one dollar right now, plus you get the full-colour printed edition through the post in a month's time, for just seventy-seven dollars when you pay the remainder in one month's time. That's $1 now and $76 in a month's time, saving you a further twenty dollars. Remember, this is the full-colour printed edition for $20 less than I was charging for the digital download.

Putting it another way, you get a look at the full manual for a measly one dollar, as compared to seeing less than twenty percent of it for free - and you can't get the free one at all now, since all 100 copies went inside four days.

By the time I send your manual by post I may even have found a few extra bonuses to send with it. No promises, but I'll see what I can come up with. There's already one bonus included with the manual that's designed to make massive profits even easier to come by...

So, click this PayPal button for the $1 trial - that's $1 now, then 2 x $48 later:

And below is the PayPal button for the $77 dollar bargain - $1 now then 2 x $38 next month:

Either way, you get a month's trial of the full Niche Seminar Secrets system for just a dollar! Select your option now then let PayPal's secure servers take care of it.

And nothing more to pay for a full 30 days - Bargain!
Niche Seminar Secrets

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Monday, 8 December 2008

Niche Seminar Secrets Survey Answers

The first survey results are starting to come through now from Niche Seminar Secrets members and I have to say they are quite revealing...

Over 85% of those who have responded so far have already spoken at or organised an event, while 71% are planning to either speak at or run an event in the next 6-12 months.

So we already have an amazing information resource right there, among NSS readers. Which sets me thinking...

Meanwhile, other seminar secrets members have asked some interesting questions, such as 'How do I promote a seminar event in a new country where I have few contacts?' From the same enquirer (I assume) is the question of how to promote an English speaking event in a non-English speaking territory.

Most of the questions you've asked are answered in full in Niche Seminar Secrets, but not those two...

And it's an interesting problem, I must admit. My first instinct about promoting any event is to build a list first, if at all possible. In this case, a list specifically from that region. Otherwise, rent or JV a list from someone who is already operating in that area. Do you have access to English-speaking property dealers or service providers for that area, for example?

I think you must think of the English speaking community as a sub-niche within your niche, whatever your niche is. But I'd promote it only in English, for a start. Of course, it doesn't have to be just expats - many people are multi-lingual - but you must pre-qualify your audience so language is not a barrier on the day.

So your list will comprise fluent English speakers in the niche you operate in, able to reach the country where your event will be held. Remember, some people will travel a long way to get to a special event in a lovely setting... But be realistic about the true size of your target market and your chances of capturing enough of them. See how easy or difficult it is to build that list - that will give you a good clue.

I'd be intrigued to know the circumstances that brought up the question, though! If you'd like to tell us more, we can probably offer some more specific advice. Use the comment section at the end of this post.

I'll be responding to some more questions and survey responses in the coming days. Questions like 'How do I get started with little or no cash to invest?' and 'How do I overcome nerves?'

Meanwhile, please add your comments, experiences and ideas here for us all to share - especially if you're one of the 85% with experience already.

Here's to your Seminar Secrets success!


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Saturday, 6 December 2008

Making Money from Seminars

In case you're in any doubt about whether you really can make tons of money from seminars, I've made it my mission to ask a few direct questions of some top seminar promoters in the past few weeks.

Questions like, 'How much did you actually make that weekend?' and, 'Was it really that easy to make a hundred-thousand plus in one day?'

You know, the kind of questions you'd like to ask but maybe don't like to. It is easier if they're already friends.

Note than when I say 'seminar promoters' I don't mean people who only put on seminars - I mean people who use seminars and public speaking as a core part of their business marketing strategy. Increasingly so, in the cases I studied.

Well, if a hundred-thousand plus (pounds or dollars - does it matter?) in one or two days isn't motivation enough to make you want to do another event, what is?

Yes, we're talking sales, not profits, but remember the margins in information products are enormous - often over ninety percent, which is unheard of in other industries.

And given that two of the examples I looked into were only employing half of the Niche Seminar Secrets strategy, I might even say there's room for improvement! In truth, though, they are using the full NSS system in the longer term, so they probably do know what they're doing...

It's gratifying to see and hear of the Niche Seminar Secrets system working so well for two of my favourite marketers. Both are people I'd be delighted to JV with on a future event.

You could put yourself into that category too, thanks to the guidance you'll get from Niche Seminar Secrets. Currently, you can even get a trial version of NSS for just $17, just so you can finally convince yourself that Niche Seminar Secrets is the key to making six figures, and more, from organising and promoting your own seminar, workshop and conference events.

And maybe JV-ing on one with me...

Go here to your $17 Niche Seminar Secrets trial.


PS. My offer to answer any questions you have about seminars, etc, is still open.

PPS. I'm afraid the free Limited Edition of NSS is no longer available. All 100 went in just four days! But I think $17 invested in the (bigger) trial edition is still a bargain!

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