Friday, 28 November 2008

Seminar Secrets For Free

Hello again,

As this is very much a time for giving, I'm giving away 100 copies of a Special Edition of Niche Seminar Secrets. So now you can decide if a six-figure income, or more, from seminars and events appeals to you, without buying Niche Seminar Secrets itself.

As 61 of them have already been snapped up already, that leaves 39 still available as I write this post...

One very good reason for giving away 'trial' versions of new products is that people are understandably reluctant to splash out for something they haven't seen and that no one they know has invested in yet.

And often the best sales copy for a good new product like Niche Seminar Secrets is the product itself.

More than that, a trial version that's useful in itself will keep on promoting its creator and his or her products for as long as it's in circulation. Which is my cunning plan...

But there are only 100 of Niche Seminar Secrets Limited Edition to circulate in the first place, so you need to get yours now to find out if making six figures a year from seminars, workshops and conferences is for you.

Because 61 copies have gone already...


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Friday, 14 November 2008

Results Just In...

No, not THAT result - that's old news...

I'm just getting the first results in from a survey I'm running at Niche Seminar Secrets about what people really want to know about planning and running seminars for profit.

It seems that, for people who've been there and done it, the speaking part isn't usually a problem. I suppose that's not surprising, since if you're uncomfortable speaking, you might not think seminars are 'your thing' anyway.

Of course, you can get coaching in public speaking, or you can learn from a master like Dale Carnegie.

But the two main issues that seem to crop up are choosing a subject or niche, and the management of the event once it's underway. Things that can go wrong apparently will go wrong.

I'll talk a little more about finding a niche soon. Meanwhile, those problems on the day come down to trying to plan for all eventualities and thinking on your feet, but we'd hope that nothing insumountable will crop up when you follow the Niche Seminar Secrets system.

Anyway, ours is a simple survey that you're welcome to take part in too.

But why not join us at Niche Seminar Secrets and add to our well of wisdom? I'll even throw in a free Dale Carnegie book (and a couple of our ebooks) when you do.


Sign up below:

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Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Making Money from Seminars

I just read this headline:

"Proven Advice To Make Money Every Time You Attend
A Seminar -- From The Experts Who Do It All The Time."

When those experts include Alex Mandossian, Armand Morin and Michel Fortin, you need to take that headline seriously. And when that money comes in six-figure sums, maybe you should look even closer, at Seminar Strategy Secrets...

(Click the link to discover more)

Just to prove there's more than one way to profit from seminars, Ray Edwards and Dave Bernstein want to show you how just attending them can lead to truly amazing results - when you know how.

We showed you in Networking Nitro how we make the most of every event we attend, but Ray and Dave have put us in the shade! Let them put you in the picture, at Seminar Strategy Secrets
To your continued prosperity

Niche Seminar Secrets

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